Frequently Asked Questions



Once you enroll in a class, your enrollment auto-renews each month (just like a car wash subscription or an auto insurance policy). There is no need to re-enroll in class.

A two-week drop notice is required to unenroll in classes at Tumble Trix.

How does the waitlist work?

If you would like to enroll in a specific class on our schedule that is currently full, we have a waitlist for every full class. Waitlists are specific to each class at each hour of each day, not a general waitlist. Once a spot opens up in the class, the first person on the waitlist is given the opportunity to enroll. You may be on a waitlist for multiple classes at different times and/or on different days. Current students are welcome to join waitlists even if they are enrolled in a class.

What if we miss a class? Do you offer makeups?

When students miss class, they are welcome to come and take up to one make-up class per month. On the last Saturday of each month, Tumble Trix offers a make-up class / open gym. Enrollment is limited and the class is not structured like a normal class.

If you are unable to attend a class, please give us a heads up when possible. This allows us to fill your spot with someone who is trying to catch a makeup.

Spots in a regular or open gym makeup class are not guaranteed.