
A two week drop notice is required for all unenrollments.

When you enroll at Tumble Trix, you are subscribing to a spot in a small, intimate, specialized class with enrollment caps that will offer a truly uplifting, strengthening, one-on-one experience. These classes develop talents far beyond just tumbling and gymnastics. Families have often waited months on a waitlist to get into a certain class. Frequent or continual missed classes or neglected attendance prevents other students from being able to enroll. We require a two week drop notice for all unenrollments in order to give as many gymnasts as possible the chance to enjoy our classes.



When students miss class, they are welcome to come and take up to one make-up class per month. On the last Saturday of each month, Tumble Trix offers a make-up class / open gym. Enrollment is limited and the class is not structured like a normal class.

If you are unable to attend a class, please give us a heads up when possible. This allows us to fill your spot with someone who is trying to catch a makeup.

Spots in a regular or open gym makeup class are not guaranteed.